Thursday, August 15, 2019

Awesome Returns Trading and Investment Solutions for All.

Welcome to my page, here i will be showing you a way to trade and or invest your funds for a guaranteed 100% returns. You need bitcoin account or your bank account for Nigerians only.

Have you been seeking for a way out to get an expert to trade for you or invest your funds to get 100% returns within 5-15 days? Then worry no more as i have got a good news for you now.

Carefully study the plan below and make sure you get the clear picture. I also upload my payment proof.

Trading plan in Naira and BTC and the returns explained
Plan Investment: 15 Days

💸invest 0.0017 earn 0.0034 BTC($20 pays $40)
💸invest 0.0025 earn 0.0051 BTC ($30 pays $60)
💸invest 0.0042 earn 0.0085 BTC ($50 pays $100)
💸invest 0.0085 earn 0.017 BTC ($100 pays $200)
Plus you get 10% referral commission paid to you within 5 minutes. Wow! 
Use this link
***This image above shows you the plan (starter), Days of getting Returns On Investment(s); you can do multiple investment: Your email (You fill it)***
***Here shows your username (fill the username you can remember); select your desired investment plan; select bitcoin or naira for nigerians only***
***Now here, you are to fill your reference which can be your transaction id or hash (for bitcoin) or your name if you pay with naira; leave the other box empty ; in your withdrawal details fill your bitcoin wallet address; in the sponsor box fill it like this.***
Sponsor Account details:
For Naira, fill like this:
Access Bank Plc/0060264369/Oladele Samson Orire
For Bitcoin, fill like this: 
Access Bank Plc/136G254FWBFLGfh2ULbuDnBpK9ssg9et2W/Oladele Samson Orire
 Just paste it accordingly! Thats all. You are good to go!!!
***Also when you are paid, 9% is held back to top your new investment by the admin***

🗂▶️Open a binary Trading Account Here: www.

▶️fund account with Minimum of $100

▶️send login details to Admin for Daily Trading
Profit sharing remains 30% trader/70% Member

Estimate profit
⭕️$100 ($1 - $5 Daily)

⭕️$200 ($5 - $10 Daily)


$300 TO EARN $1500 IN 3 MONTHS

Frequently Asked Qusetions:
✅Q. How Can I Join?

▶️ You need to fill the google form and submit. Afterawards send your funds to the listed wallet . Your details will be automatically saved on our records.

✅When Do I Get Paid?

▶️Payments are sent anytime between the 5th day and the 15th day of your deposit.

✅How Do You Manage To Pay Such Interest?

▶️Your Funds are Invested Into Binary Options Trading where profits range between 45%-90% per trade. To Explain further when we enter a trade with $20 we earn from such trade 90% profit making our total capital $38 at the end of the trading & because we have a 95% WIN RATE we are able to pay out the expected profits.

💥💥💥----We also Invest in other area in the financial Market outside Binary Trading

✅What Benefit Do I Get when i invite My friends/Family

▶️You get an instant payment of 10% of their deposit. Just make sure your refs fill in your wallet details/Account details on the form👇(FOR ACCOUNT HOLDERS ONLY).

Join our facebook group here and add me as friend (quote A.Returns in the message chat you'll send me and i add you to the chat group). Mention that Samson O. Oladele added you.

Some more trading proofs: